What has hot wheels track occurred is what Gregory Bateson would have called " Schismogenesis " meaning a fracturing and a fragmenting of Systems Thinking into two or more conflicting factions, each of which would employ disparate practices. As near as I can tell, this is why Bebe has lost faith in the integrity of the Systems Thinking culture. At least one faction would retain the practices of the anachronistic and deprecated model of the Police Culture . This disparity has roots that goes all the way back to the disparity between Theology and the secular Rule of Law.
Clearly the mistaken action by the admin touched a deeper nerve, no? Precisely so, Doug. As I understand it, Bébé posted something in EoST, whereupon some undisclosed Admin summarily deleted it and unceremoniously blocked Bébé, erroneously believing it was weighted stuffed animal spam. Π said that's all he knew; he didn't even know which of 11 Admins it was. But according to Π , whoever it was did not believe it was an error to have deleted Bebe's post and to have summarily blocked her.
I don't kno reborn dolls w that we'll resolve this issue here, but I submit that the political decision not to bear accurate witness is inconsistent with the fundamental tenets of cybernetic systems theory. As I understand it at this juncture, Bébé lost faith in the culture of systems thinking because it morphed from science to politics, and that departure introduced what she calls a "darkness" (and I call a corruption) of the fundamental tenets of systems science and systems thinking.
Left unchecked and unchanged, our modern systems of consciousness are growing more and more lopsid lego super mario ed. They are turning in on themselves and will soon devour themselves. Just like Beth Harmon, the star in the Netflix Original story about a young orphan girl who is a chess prodigy, we ( the humans of Earth ) are inflicting the consequences of our individual and collective unconsciousness on ourselves and on each other through thoughtless, careless, cruel actions.
Bébé , in her E-Mail to me, expressly dec ried the absence of an empathic human response. That created a dilemma for me, because Π was unable to provide the original context, so I had no useful information on what happened to cause Bébé to feel betrayed and wounded. Π could similarly see no reason for Bébé to be angry at him. But after I shared with him a bit more information, Π did see why her anger was directed at him. In other words, the failure to share relevant information blocks the possibility of empathy. If having and expressing empathy is the ultimate goal, then concealing information is anathema to that goal. lego delorean
As I see it, the community of systems thinkers have splintered into two discernible factions. The smaller faction, to which you and I subscribe, is that we employ the axiomatic principles and tools for thought of systems thinking to solve both systemic problems "out there" in the world at large, as well as systemic problems that arise within the corridors of our own discipline and practices. Moreover we do our work in public, so as to demonstrate that we are role models for our methodology even when we are addressing in ternal issues within our own community.
hot wheels track
- Bürger
- Beiträge: 5
- Registriert: Mi Sep 18, 2024 9:51 am
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